Monday, October 19, 2009

Evil Dictators of the 20th Century

Joseph Stalin,  Adolf Hitler, Fidel Castro, Pol Pot and  Kim Il not only were  cruel, but also convinced many people that they were doing the best for their countries.  They destroyed whole economies and societies. Still,  many adored them, or did they? So, I believe these 5 were  the most evil ones of the 20th Century.


  1. I was 13 years old when Fidel Castro and his comandantes entered Havana on Jan 8, 1959. They were sitting on top of captured tanks wearing religious emblems and looking like bearded Messiahs coming down from the mountains to give us a new Cuba, free of corruption and violence.

    How wrong we were!

    During the next 2 years we experienced a social transformation driven by one man's ambition to own a country and enslave its people which was laced with firing squads after mock trials, the abolition of private property and civil liberties and the disappearance of democratic institutions as we know them today.

    Cubans were surprised at the speed at which the revolution moved from one day to the other. Fear of the government forces replaced the hope of freedom and, one by one, private enterprise surrendered to the mighty force of the revolution.

    My immediate family left after my father was threatened with incarceration if he did not sell for peanuts his small business to the Government. His answer was to leave and not sell.

    In September of 1960 I was attending a 10th grade class in a private Cuban school with another 24 classmates. By November we were 14 and there were none left by New Years Day of 1961 when Castro declared himself a Marxist Leninist and broke diplomatic relations with the US. BY 1963 more than one million upper and middle class Cubans had left the island in fear of Castro's communist policies.

    Its ironic that Castro is a modern day hero of the populist left and is considered a democrat by the majority of the Latin American and Caribbean countries. All this in spite of never holding a free election; the absence of independent government powers; the establishment of an apartheid between Cubans and foreign tourists; having shed Cuban blood in African wars and Latin American guerrillas; and turning a country that was amongst the top 15 GNPs in the world in 1958 into an economic nightmare where food is rationed and poverty is generalized and sold as social equality.

    Fifty nine years later there are very few that can defend Cuba as a prosperous country in 1958 cursed by a corrupt dictator who was replaced by a blood thirsty narcissist that impoverished the country, indoctrinated and enslaved its people under the false accomplishments of social equality, education and health.

  2. MARIANELA NAJUL SECTION 4December 9, 2009 at 5:25 PM

    I believe this 5 dictators were the most evil ones, if you see what they had done in the world years ago, and what Fidel Castro had and still doing in Cuba, you can realize that they were the most evil. People that they conviced that they were doing the right thing, are people that have no brain, if you see that a hole country is going down, because of one people, that human rights are violated, why are you going to let them convince you that they are doing great things?. Pepople must realize that they were the most evil ones.

  3. francesia fontiverosDecember 9, 2009 at 6:41 PM

    When you think, why the Communists being so cruel, they may still have followers? everything is in the Charism to speak and the power to convince people.
    Like hitler said "I use emotion for the many and reserve reason for the few". He was so clear that with his charisma and emotion to talk, he could convince the ignorant people, but also knew when it was time to negotiate and fight he had need to use the reason. So, I think few people are born with the gift of persuasion, some people use this gift to do good action, but some people don't.The last thing I want to say is that no matter how one person can be cruel and has charism, the important thing here is if the people is not ignorant, they can never be mastered. In conclucion, the education of a nation is the greatest wealth of a country, because nobody can take it away and it is the strongest power to win.

  4. Adriana Tortosa, Section 3, English III

    I believe Hitler is the worst dictator the world has known. He managed to convince millions of people that persecuting the Jewish population was the right thing to do for their country. His foreign policy had as a target eliminate all the Jewish population living in Germany. As a result, France declared war against Germany. During his period as head of state, an estimated 6 million Jews were killed.
    Adolf Hitler is one of the worst, if not the worst, dictators of all times. During his regime he managed to start the Second World War and murder over 6 million innocent people, leaving a mark in world history for ever.

  5. I really think that this 5 dictators are the most evil in history, but for me the most evil of all was Adolf Hitler, because he not only deceive his country, but also causes the second world war, with this second world war he kill so many people and destroyed a lot of countries, in addition Joshep Stalin kill people too, but he didn´t cause a world war and he didn´t kill people from other countries, that's why for me Adolf Hitler is the worst dictators of those 5.

    Evelyn Goncalves Section 3 ENGLISH III

  6. I think too that this 5 dictators are the most evil of the 20th Century, but the most evil of this five for me was Stalin, because ok Hitler cause the second world war and killed people of other countries, but Stalin killed more people than Hitler and most of this people were of his own country, and the worst of all is that Stalin had no reason to kill this people, Stalin ordered to kill a number of people per day no matter who they were. And despite everything, people still believed in Stalin, maybe because he had so charisma to talk that people believed in everything he said, like the other 4 dictators.



    I believe Stalin was the worst dictator in the history. But we always talk just about him (as we talk about other dictators) if he had been alone, he would not have done any hurt to anybody. Because Stalin was not the only person sick and twisted in the government, he was surrounded by another people as cruel as him. One man can't subdue millions of humans without help. However, nowadays, there are less megalomaniacs with power, and the UN is watching over for the human rights.

    By the way, I don't believe that Comunism (people is too selfish, we'll never understand this system), or Capitalism (unleash our selfishness is just suicidal and we're seeing it) are the problem. We just need Ethics. Nothing more, nothing less.

  8. i think that stallin was a cruel dictator because he didn't care about russian people. during stallin's rule, approximately 20 million citizens lost their lives, up to 14.5 million due to starvation, one million were executed for political offences and at least 9 million were exiled or prisioned. also, he took a lot of possesions from farmers and he exported all crops to another countries regardless of his people starve

    Geronimo Felizola, SECTION 2 ENGLISH III

  9. GerardoManna English III:
    As my personal opinion, every dictator had been cruel to his population and to the world. Every of them had destroyed and killed an entire population, but (i don't know how) some people loved and still loving them for some reason. Each of them had affected the world in a negative way. For example Hitler had killed around 9 million jews, only because they had different believes.
    Stalin had killed 20 millions of people during his ruling in Russia.
    Castro had destroyed the entire population of Cuba by closing all their doors to the world.
    So i can not conclude which one is the worst, but i can conclude that all of them had been a huge disaster for the world, for what they had done.

  10. OCTAVIO HIDALGO #Carnet:200902460

    Well I think that all these were the cruelest dictators in history. They not only had the ability to convince many of their ideals, they destroy whole societies, a large numbers of deaths caused conflicts between countries and destroy the economy, the society and the public relations. So I catalog Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Fidel Castro, Pol Pot and Kim Il as the most evil dictators of the century.

  11. Mariangelica Marquez, English III, section 5

    Hi guys, I really like to talk about another
    evil dictator like it is Augusto Pinochet my family live in Chile so many years, and I believe that he is one of the most evil dictaror why? Because
    under the standars of dictatorship, Also Augusto Pinochet's history is in Chile which under his presidents quality of the military meeting of goverment, assumed the power of the goverment of chile by forcing the judicial power being granted on Chile TOgheter with the power that he had acquired on the goverment of chile he abolished any attempt of demolishing his new quality of agent chief executive.
    Giving orders dictated in a national chain of radio and television, eliminating the political groups,he disolved the Congress, restricted the political and civil laws and arranged the detention of the leaders of the Popular unit, declaring it ilegal.
    Then together with Manuel Contreras organize the Direction of National Intelligence (DINA) Which was violating systematicly the human rights.

    Like comentary, I believe that his period of discomfort for the chilean goverment can be used as example for themselves and the rest of Latin America.

  12. I think this dictators were the worst of all, not only because the were brutal dictators, but hitlers for example kill thousand people just buecause they dont believe in his political beliefs or stalin that kill thousand people bucause they think that was the better for the countrie. And of course i think we in this countrie have a dictator of president, i said this because in this countrie the freedom of spech no longer exist..., the capacity of say the things we dont like or we do not agree because if you do it, you will go to jail. So i think we have to take as learning the past dictatorships, so we know how to "survive" in our own one.

    Jose Delvalle
    Carnet 200901300
    Cedula 20800423
    Seccion 6

  13. During the 20th Century we can find 5 evil dictators that have contributed in the destruction of whole societies and economies, each one in their own way and affecting their own country. Among them we can find Adolf Hitler ( knwon as the Great Nazi leader who murdered over 6 million Jews in order to establish his dictatorship based on the totalitarian and autocratic ideals of national socialism); Joseph Stalin (who was the leader of the Soviet Union and is knwon for his campaign "Great Terror" to purge the communist party); Fidel Castro ( who came to power as a result of the Cuban Revolution and who has been portrayed as a dictator in spite of his disapproval of dictatorships); Pol Pot (leader of Cambodia who imposed a version on agrarian collectivization that resulted in the deaths of 2.5 million people); and finally Kim Il (dictator of North Korea who as well killed millions of citizens, he also tested in his country in 2006 a nuclear bomb).
    As we can see, these dictators have attempted against their own people's lives and have affected their own economies. This is what mekes them the 5 most evil dictators in the 20th century.

    Anabella Herrera
    Ingles 3 Section 6

  14. This is a huge discussion. All of the persons that the first comment talked about were bad but... who was the worst?
    Is true that Adolfo Hitler made some good things like advanced the German economy in hard times, but he also caused extensive damage to the world.
    Wasn't bad a person who created a whole plan to destroy the world?. Of course he was! He was a cruel person who killed millions of innocents lifes whithout regrets
    The worst part is that he tried to change de race, he hated the jews without good reasons and he killed them without compassion. He did one of the worst acts in the history: the holocaust
    So, I know that in every part of the world exist bad persons, but not everyone try to destroy de world or kill a whole race like he. Adolfo Hitler left a mark in the history and changed the world and make us remember the importance of choose a person who want to change the world for good, not destroy it.

    Lorena Lema
    Ingles 3 Seccion 4

  15. Francisco D'AlessandroDecember 13, 2009 at 8:01 AM

    In the 20th century has been a lot of dictators like The Somozas in Nicaragua, Batista in Cuba, Gomez and Marcos Perez Jimenes In Venezuela and other but the worst dictator in 20th century was Rafael Leonidas Trujillo from Dominic Republic.

    He was the grossest dictator. Firstly, he rape a lot of underage grils. Second, he kill all people that dare him. Finally, he throw all the priests that wasn't with him.

    In conclusion, for the rapes and the deaths, Thats why he is first on the list of evil dictators of 20th century.

    Francisco D'alessandro
    ingles 3 seccion 2

  16. The history is like a cicle always repeat and we doesn’t learn about those examples of evil dictators. I want that you know about Rafael Trujullo he was a dictator in Dominican Republic and now days he is called El chivo. He made a genocide to the haitians peoples also he is like stallin Trujillo made Dominican Republic in a great state with a good economic structure. In that country one of the most important opposition were the Mirabal sisters. They were to the jail and they talk to the ONU about those injustice the goverment was comited to the people. The mirabal sisters were killed in a brutal way and thanks to them we have the international day against violence against women we have to see those examples and learn and be hard to deceive.

    Ana Magallanes
    INgles 3
    seccion 3

  17. I think that in the 20th century we can see the most evil dictators of history. In one way or other, and leaving behind the reasons of their actions, these men were actually unreasonable persons. Some of them wanted to make their countries grow in order of making a change but, why did they have to do it in so drastic and evil ways? Let’s take Stalin, he wanted Russia to be a more modern society, an industrialized one but for getting that he killed more than 40 million citizens. The end does not justify the way of getting to it. Likewise we have Fidel or Hitler, two men of great power that had in hands the way of progress and what did they do? What have Fidel done? Destroying life’s and the future of citizens is not the idea of a peasant and happy society.

    Stefanía Pardi. Section 6.

  18. Hi Alicia:

    My name is Ivana, I'm from Venezuela. As everyone says Hugo Chavez have a mask of "democrat" and his not. But that not just happen here, with Chavez the dictators have been expanded on latinamerica for example: Carlos Ortega (Nicaragua), Cristina Kichner (Argentina), Ex- president Manuel Zelaya (Honduras), Fidel Castro and Raul Castro (Cuba), Rafael Correa (Ecuador), Evo Morales (Bolivia), and if we see the patron Alvaro Uribe (Colombia) have to be on the list too.
    All these presidents or most of them have changed the constitucions for personal interest, forgetting the people's interest. Beside, all them talk bad about burocrats and imperialism but they are doing the same thing that imperialism and burocrats do. This is hiprocrit by them.

    Ivana Gonzalez
    English III. Section: 1

  19. HI ALICIA;






  20. All of them were evil they used their own ways to get to the power they needed to do thing that they think was the rigth thing. I believe that Hitler and Stalin were true evil but the people is guilty of what they did to their countries they believe that one man can put an end to their problem but they can't nobody can't just yourself. Those men take the people's hope, dreams, pride and need and use it for their own benefit, that makes then evil. Stalin, Hitler, Castro and other muzzle by force the people after they took the power and using broadcasts and newspapers hide the true. The exactly same thing is happenig again but to us.

    Aaron Rodriguez
    Seccion 4, Ingles 3

  21. in my opinion it is important to take into consideration 2 main facts that stands for the main reason why dictadorships act the way they do. the first fact is that all of these 5 people come from a very unstable family, social and economical problems, being a reason to explain why they feel society is against them and as a consequence the building of hate in their souls. In the other hand we see that they have the capacity to convince and order others to do what they want there is no real education and their minds are very confused, they manipulate in order to achieve their goals. they have a corrupted soul from the very first time they start gaining their power, thats why things go out of control.

    Joel Benarroyo. Seccion 1

  22. Josef stali was the leader of the USSR from 1924 to 1953. after world war 2, he wanted to spread communism across Europe but was opposed by the US and Europe during the Cold War.
    He was considered ruthless in his treatment of his political enemies, especially during the period in wich shared power with the first soviet leader, vladimir lenin. Many wrere shot, imprisoned, or sent to brutal work camps.

    Jenny Daron Ingles 3 Section 2

  23. Claudio Artiles Seccion 3 Ingles 3

    It is true that Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Fidel Castro, Pol Pot were and are up to the present day tyrants who caused so much pain their people, who pay these brutalities until now; per leaving that aside we can also say that within the vision of these dictators was the socialism which he first time in these countries grew, But was when it flipped decadensia hese personal project and was here the error of these dictators and resulted both bloodshed and misery to their countries.

  24. I think that five dictators are the cruelest people in the world. They killed millions people in his countries, without importing the right to the life, everything for being kept in the power and supporting the domain of the people.
    Stalin realized in his country a lot of injustices, he sacrificed many people; he was capable of killing his brother and his wife. I can’t deal as nowadays they continue being in the power and damaging like in case of Cuba with Fidel Castro.
    But it’s necessary to emphasize that these dictators are leaders, that they have charisma and to achieve that the peoples believe in their offers until the end. As Hitler's case with the Second World War. Which he achieve that million people are following his ideology NAZI, eliminating those who didn’t agree.
    It’s important to say that the whole history is cyclical, that if we don’t take the correct decisions we can return to live a Hitler, Stalin, etc. In Latin America we have many charismatic leaders as the case of Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez, for naming someone.

    Carolina Roca Leal. # 200505960
    Ingles III, seccion 6.
    Prof. Annery Sosa.

  25. The country have to deposit not only their trust but the people wishes into one person, whenever this particular individual does nothing more than benefit itself, it’s when a dictator is born. This person is best described as a cruel human been who doesn’t care for his country. There are times when society believes that this way of ruling a nation is the best way to do it, this is probable because they haven’t experience anything else, they haven’t experience freedom as we know it. Although dictators think there are doing the best for their country, killing people and having them suffer miserable conditions isn’t the best road to follow when trying to transform the cultural aspect of a civilization. There haven’t been a single dictatorship that have given more to people than it have taken away from them

    Ingles III, Section 6
    Leonardo Ficarella

  26. Demosthenes (The greatest orator of ancient Greece 384-322 B.C) said that Every dictator was an enemy of freedom, and an opponent of law. For every each of them , Freedom and Civil laws are the best friend during their president's campaign and even in their political promotion, but when those citizens become powerful after their political period, it becomes the biggest task of their administation

    Josef Stalin , Fidel Castro , and Adolf Hitler had several analogies in term of office,basically they were populist leaders , people had approved their uprising movement ,that included a revolutionary project. In spite of their idealistic actions, they managed a violence policy against citizens that had relied on them and people still worshipped their work, like they were Gods. Also, dictators had broken civil rules just for their own benefits.The excuse for this situation is that they had sacrificed a couple of generations for the well-being of the Society.

    Angel Torres
    Carnet. 200904610
    Inglés III ,Sección 5 ,
    Prof. Alicia Arraiz

  27. Oscar Dominguez #200906130
    Ingles 3, seccion 5
    Profesora Alicia Arraiz

    I think that all these dictators are a shame to the world because they didn't have any compassion or any responsability of what they were doing to humanity. They killed a thousand of innocent people and did horribles and terifying things that no one want to remember.

  28. Isolda Makhluk #20091111619
    Inglés 3, section 1
    Profesora: Annery Sosa

    I think that these dictators are the most evil, because of all the danger that they have caused to their countries. They killed thousand of innocent people, without any compassion, because of their bloodlust and crazy ideals. However many people followed them. For example, when Stallin died, there were a lot of people that cried for him because they believe in all his principles and wanted him as a popular leader.
    Even they are death, their idealogy still alive in many countries.

  29. Adolf Hitler could be considered as solely responsible for the events that triggered World War II. His thirst for domination and his racist hatred brought him to order the invasions of several European countries as well the killing of millions of Jews, gypsies, homosexuals and more. Other countries were forced to intervene when Hitler's intentions became clear. However, it was not until after the war that the extent of Hitler's evil was discovered, but by then the dictator had killed himself and could not be brought to justice for his numerous crimes against humanity.

    Saddam Hussein, President of Iraq from 1979 until 2003

    Saddam Hussein was the ruler of Iraq for more than twenty years. During that time he managed to terrify and oppress his people while waging wars that were not only costly, but were ultimately unsuccessful. He caused the deaths of thousands during these wars, which were waged mainly for oil and power. He also allowed his men to rape, torture, unjustly jail and even murder civilians. Finally, in March of 2003, after having already waged war with Iraq in 1991, the U.S. declared war on the country once again.


  30. Maria Alessandra Di Giulio Ingles III Sec 4December 15, 2009 at 4:21 PM

    I believe that these dictators are not only the most evil but the most cruel people that the world could ever known. As we all know they did a lot of positive things for the country but not in the right way. During his government Stalin achieved his goal but at the cost of millions of lives. He needed to revolucionate Russia without carring about all the people and family that were suffering and even though after his death must of the Russian cryed for him. Now a days even after their death their ideology is still in some peoples mind.

    Maria Alessandra Di Giulio
    Ingles 3, Sec 4

  31. Even tough most of the people that have wrote in this blog consider that this Dictators are the worst Mens in the history of humanity I support them to. But my difference is that i consider my self a non partial. So what I do admire of these people is that all of them had goals for their owns countries and they actually achieve those goal.
    In the case of Stalin, his goal was to transform the URSS in the shortest time possible into a super power and he did it.
    In the other hand is Hitler, he prepared Germany to the WWII also in a really short time, even though just 20 years before the lost the WWI and the were in a huge economic crisis.

    So even though these are the worst mens considered in the human history, I think this was one of the fewest things good that they had, the were successful whit the thing they wanted.

    Valentina Delgado sec 3

  32. Valentina Delgado sec 2December 15, 2009 at 5:33 PM

    Even tough most of the people that have wrote in this blog consider that this Dictators are the worst Mens in the history of humanity I support them to. But my difference is that i consider my self a non partial. So what I do admire of these people is that all of them had goals for their owns countries and they actually achieve those goal.
    In the case of Stalin, his goal was to transform the URSS in the shortest time possible into a super power and he did it.
    In the other hand is Hitler, he prepared Germany to the WWII also in a really short time, even though just 20 years before the lost the WWI and the were in a huge economic crisis.

    So even though these are the worst mens considered in the human history, I think this was one of the fewest things good that they had, the were successful whit the thing they wanted.

    Valentina Delgado sec 2

  33. Dictators think about anyone else but themself.
    I don't know what they had in minds, if I'd have a wish for my last day on Earth it would be come back years ago to talk with this dictators to hear from their mouths why they did all that, because it is unbelievable how someone can do so much damage, they may be did not care about people and the land where they grew up.

    Marianna Reyes
    Sec 01. Ingles III
    This 5 dictators are from the 20th century, but starting this 21th century the world have another cruel dictator: Hugo Chavez. Venezuela is suffering a lot! if you read about Russia Revolution, you will see that what it is happen in Venezuela is the same that happened years ago in Russia. It is sad to see how a beautiful and powerful country is going down in all the aspects: political, economic and social.


    I think stalin is the hardest dictator ever in the world. He did everything he wanted, he took the control of the whole contry and all the civilization, the only did what he wanted because he had a power to convince people with his words. he killed a lot of people, around 60 millions of people.
    but, on the other hand, he made better the level life of the country, converting it from a rural to a better one with big industries.

  35. I think this five characters were very bad persons because they cause a lot of pain to the world and killed a lot of people... However, each of them had followers, because they believed on those dictators and shared the ideas that they proposed. Based on this fact, is very evident that Fidel, Stalin, Hitler, Pot and Il were very charismatic leaders for certain kind of people at that time. The problem with the dictators is that their only power is the sympathy, they have nothing more to rely on, they make "friends" with the most needy while they stab them in the back. Their knowledge about management of a country is pretty basic that's why they use their biggest weapon: the charisma. For example, Stalin killed an enormous amount of people and even though people liked him and when he died a lot of people went to his funeral.
    In conclusion, even that a person is the terrible person in the world, he or she can charmed the people with the CHARISMA of a leader.

    Luis Albarracin
    English 3 - Section 3
    Carnet: 200909530
    Teacher: Carolina Abella

  36. In my opinion all these dictators are a very clear example of what a human being is capable of.
    Most of them had a tough childhood, though that's not the main reason why they become so evil but could be the start. If we compare for example Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin we can see that their personalities were so similar; they were perfectionist, scared of traitors, hated other religion, and selfish among others.

    What it really amazed me is the way that some groups, as neo-nazis for example, still are following Hitler's believes. But I'm sure that as time passes all this movements will vanished.

    All the history should serve as a great learning for our future. It's in our hands to support or reject any political system,that in a future could affect us as the Russians or Europeans.

    Open to replies...

    Jonathan Benarroyo
    Section 5

  37. Astrid Dias/section 1

    It is obvious that they are the cruelest dictators of the 20Th Century, they killed people, they comitted homicides with innocent people and the worse common characteristic than they had it is that they killed people who were not of their own class comitted and unfairly act of racism.

    However, when they take the power of the country almost always is because in their country existed problems previously such as: politics problems, sociology problems or economy problems, and they take it to come back to the order. In fact when the last imperial dinasty of Russia Holstain-Gottorp-Romanov, Nicolas II was the last emperor in this dinasty. Then in Russia existed politics problems and all his family was murdered include him.

    So, after that Joseph Stalin took the power to fix that problems. Always dictators take the power in the same way but when they already convinced the population of their nobility, they begin to betray their people and to kill them by unjust causes.

    All these facts show us that it was part of the human history and it teach us that we are equal and we have to respect our people.

  38. Reading about dictators given me an opportunity to think about Venezuela’s reality: about the people, the laws, the events and the effects of leader’s decisions.
    Before reading I heard many times tell the people that in Venezuela we live in a dictatorship, sometimes with arguments that I believe reasonable, in other moments I think that these affirmations were more caused by the frustration or angry.
    Nevertheless, now after reading I have reasons to think that we reality shows some signals to be worry. Know about the dictatorship, its characteristics and implications allow judge that those decisions about media and private provided some sentences, many decisions about our resources to give away are in way with dictatorship systems.

    Yosmar C.
    Sec. 1

  39. Evil Dictators of the 20th Century

    As we know there are many dictators who mark our history in many aspects, one of them is Fidel Castro that is now that his distatorship is ending and are allowing new things.
    To support the idea that Castro is one of the most evil ones of the 20th Century, we can say that he is the exact example of the promising of the improvement of the country and is all the other way, he has turn one of the most potencial country in one of the poors, having all the potencial to be an excelent. He beleives in the persons' equiality like here in Venezuela call socialismo, this idealism has imposed in all the citizens and now a days the only know to live the way it does, the don't have the chance to think a different way, it is because it that all the people love him, because they dont know another way of living they are accustomed.
    With this we can say he is of the evil ones, he has destroyed all the society and economics of the country, and the habitants have to deal with it because if they didnt they could not leave, is for that they have take love for him and his idealism.

    Leonor Lopez
    Section 1
    Annery Sosa

  40. In my opinion, these five dictators are the worst of the 20th century, because they had caused a big impact, not only in their countries, also in the whole world. I think that Stalin was the most evil of all. He implants one of the most brutal dictatorships. He forgot of the Russian society and used them to create a “new” Russia. However, many people adored him, I think that they saw all the changes that he was doing in the country and forgot all the people who were suffering for this reason. The ideals of Stalin are still alive and many people support it.

    Daniela Rinaldi
    Section 2
    Carolina Abella

  41. Along the years, these 5 characters have been known as the most tyrant dictators of all times. Many of them became rulers of world’s most powerful nations by using destruction, terror and murder as tools to achieve these brutal ways of governments. Dictators such as Stalin thought that the correct way to turn the Soviet Union from a peasant state to an industrialized country was by killing millions of innocent citizen´s and destroying the country´s society.

    This abnormal changes made by these dictators were consequence of many death in labor camps and chaos in the country´s economy. Nevertheless, we can say that these terrifying dictators destroyed the whole economy and society of their own country by violating human rights and using extreme cruel methods. This is why I consider them as the 5 most evil dictators ever existed.

    Ignacio Sosa
    English 3 - Section 2

  42. For as long as people have chosen rulers to govern civilizations, there have been rulers who have sought to abuse that power. When a dictator is given control over a country, they are given the ability to better the lives of their people or destroy them.

    The 20th century has seen the rise and fall of some of the most evil dictators in history. They gained power shrewdly and maintained it through cruelty and violence

    The following three men left destruction in their wake:

    * Adolf Hitler.
    * Joseph Stalin.
    * Mao Zedong.

    English III – Virtual Activity 4.
    From: CLAUDIA TURCHETTI Section: 3

  43. In my opinion this five dictators were also the worst of the 20th century, many of them were the most tyrants and became dictators and rulers of some of the most powerful nations in the world. but the most evil one was Josef Stalin he kill a lot of people because of his paranoia he believe that he couldn't trust in anyone. about 27 million people were kill under the command of stalin. but it is true that he rebuild the economy of the Soviet Union making it one of the most powerful countries of the world. Hitler killed about 11 to 12 million people in his presidency and didn't do anything good for Germany he also started the world war two and really did several bad things. finally these dictators were practically against human rights and violate them they used cruel methods to punish people that were innocent.
    English 3, German Lara, Annery Sosa section 1

  44. Generally speaking, when a Government deceives its people, they create a sense of mistrust and fear in their societies. Also, when they are capable of betraying they make people lose their patriotism. Following this further, in America many Governments deceive their people creating divisions and even hatred against them.
    Unquestionably, Venezuela is one of those countries in which people are constantly betrayed. A clear example of this is the Gag law, which violates freedom of expression. At first it was created to protect children from topics such as sex and crime. However, through this law the government of our country controls television broadcasting with excessive restrictions. This includes the restriction of any kind of public debate.
    In addition, in our country democratic institutions have been weakened and human rights are frequently violated. According to Human Rights Watch Venezuela’s Government sacrifices rights to achieve their political goals. An example of this is the fact that workers don’t have freedom of association. Moreover, we are not allowed to do strikes. And also we cannot express our political ideas if they are not the same of our government.

    Rafael Alfonzo Stanchieri. Section 5.

  45. I do believe that dose 5 dictators where the worst. They really destroyed the contries that they lived in or in somecases they affected the entire world.
    At first people did believe in them an shared the same ideas, but at the end everybody had to do what they said or they would desapear or be killed.

    Federico Rivero, Section 2

  46. I also think those 5 were murderers and they could have done a lot to improve the world, but we must also see that if they had not done that, sure others who came later would have done. They taught the world things that you should not do and how not to govern. We must also say that citizens are guilty too, by giving them that much power to these dictators.

    Gustavo Maggi
    English 3, section 3.

  47. I agree that they were the most evil dictator, but for me the worst of them i Adolf Hitler, becouse he just wanted to do what he liked. He killed jewsih, hippies, black people, and others... just becouse he tought that they were an impure race. He didnt do anything good for the country, he just wanted to make a "perfect" race of people.

    Mike Dayan
    English 3, section 2

  48. Naggi Jiménez
    Sección 2

    Definitely were the worst dictators because even when they tried to make their countries great powers, on the road they took their ideas to the extreme using violence to achieve their purposes, this resulted in a large number of deaths and decay of the economies of their countries. In Stalin’s case he made possible the development of Russia becoming this country into a great power despite the steps taken to get there.

    As for the fact that people believed and still believes in their ideas, I think is because they knew how to be leaders, they contributed with ideas that were attractive and innovative; the fact that those ideas were never fulfilled as originally raised is a different issue. Unfortunately the consequences of their actions have affected those whom have believed in them been victims of the abuses of power by these dictators

  49. Luis Guillermo Oliver. English 3, section 4. Prof. Alicia Arráiz

    These five dictators are the evilest in the world. The most important one is Fidel Castro; he is the most evil, because he has been the president of Cuba for many years and all the country lives in a dictatorship. The Cubans run away to EEUU, because in this country they can live well, not in poverty. Adolf Hitler was the evil German dictator, for two reasons: In the first place, he was a nightmare for the Jewish; he killed more than a million of them. Second, for his thinking, he caused the second Global War. In short, these two men are the evilest dictators in the world for the previous reasons.

  50. Luis Fernando De BarrosDecember 17, 2009 at 3:38 PM

    In my opinion I agree with everyone that these men were the worst of humanity. Similarly admire are people one way or another and who managed things not easily achieved, everything that they proposed they made. The means thwy used were not the best neither the objectives. But if a man is alive today with these same capabilities will use it for good would be a man worthy of admiration.

    Luis Fernando De Barros
    Carnet: 200906210
    Seccion: 1
    Ingles: 3

  51. MARIO SANCHEZ... CARNET 20091110103
    INGLES 3

    In my personal opinion, I agree with the people who said that the worst dictator the world has known is Joseph Stalin. For him the end justified the means, and with that in mind he killed as many people as necessary in order to convert Russia from a total agrarian society to a more modern industrialized one. He would make a list with thousands of people every day to execute them.

  52. When I think in the name of Josef Stalin the only words that I can relate whit this man are pain, death and lies. This was the leader of Russia and the only thing he just could lead this nation was to death he just kill people who dared to think different or he thought they could be a threat to his regime. He was a serious murder he create a list of people to be killed. This man was a liar he even changed the history books to fake lot of things that he didn’t wanted people to know.

    Santiago Moser 200907890
    Ingles 3
    Prof Annery Sosa

  53. We must not think that the country, in this case, the population, is ignorant for elect a dictator as a president because, how may they know it? All of them mentioned above has been great speechers and speakers and had a great power of conviction and thats exactly what the population believed: their speech about hope, peace, work and their fake promises would became true; well in some cases they did it but at what price? industrialization of Russia at the price of and millions of deaths? Owning Europe for what? but I think that there's calm after the storm, and many countries how had suffer a dictator's regimen soon recover and became a world potency like China, Germany o Russia.

  54. We must not think that the country, in this case, the population, is ignorant for elect a dictator as a president because, how may they know it? All of them mentioned above has been great speechers and speakers and had a great power of conviction and thats exactly what the population believed: their speech about hope, peace, work and their fake promises would became true; well in some cases they did it but at what price? industrialization of Russia at the price of and millions of deaths? Owning Europe for what? but I think that there's calm after the storm, and many countries how had suffer a dictator's regimen soon recover and became a world potency like China, Germany o Russia.

    Ana Cabrera 20091113068
    ingles 3
    prof Maria Carolina Abella

  55. In the list of the dictators named at the post, i will include Benito Mussolini because he was the first person to really came up with a plane to dominate. In my opinion Benito Mussolini and Stalin, who copied Benito in different ways, were the worst dictators of history. Italy and Soviet Union were totalitarian states and they used censorchips and secret police to kill members of different political parties and undesirables.
    Mussolini and Stalin came to power with the support of tehir people, but they lost their support because of their abuse of power. They were indeed tragically enemies of their countries, who destroyed their countries economies.

    From: Andreina López.
    Section: 6.
    Prof. Annery Sosa.
    Ingles III

  56. I agree with some of you, these 5 were the most evil ones of the 20th Century. They were the dictators whose made politic, economic and social history around the world. Some people believe that they were good people, that all the things they do are good, but that kind of people doesn’t have their own opinion. They say what the majority of the people say, because if you know human rights they would know that all the things they did violated all the rights of a country.

    We can take as examples their ideas, but not to follow them. We can learns from them but not to do the same, on the contrary, to learn about make things right, basing in the laws of a country.

    Barbara Guevara 200908380
    Section 6
    Prof: Annery

  57. GIANMARCO CALOSSO #200901700
    I think that they took advantage from the critical situation that were suffering their countries and where proclamed the savers and possible heroes for solve this crisis. They talked about peace when really there were preparing the war. It looks like we are living the same situation now in our country venezuela.

  58. Jose Ogando Maiz
    Ingles III. Seccion 3
    Lic. Abella Carolina

    Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Fidel Castro and so many others are clearly the cruelest dictators in the history. They became an unstoppable cancer to society on their time and in our days. It’s evident the damage they have caused in the world. However, I have to say that it is really admirable and shocking to see how a single person with particular abilities can influence and manipulate a whole country. Leaders like those should have used their abilities and skills in a good way to improve the development of a country. Leaders with such skills could have made big changes, in a good way. It is also interesting how the people ignore their rights and allows a person abuse of them; 20 million people against 1 man, the difference is clear, but the thing is that it is need intelligence and union to fight for their rights and avoid any kind of indulgence or abuse.

  59. Daniel de Olivera 200902660 seccion 3

    Its clear that this five dictators were the worts of the 20th century, they kill thousand of peoples, destroyes the economy but this dictators are inteligent and know how to talk with the people convincing them and giving what the wont, some time the people needs a change and this mans knew how to do it and this is the reason why so many people loves them.

  60. This dictarors were excelent politics, they knew hoy to control everything around them and this is why some people followed them. But they didn´t made anything for good reasons, they just wanted the power, and killed every person that could stop them, or that were against them.

    andreina La Morgia
    section: 1

  61. Elena Sofia Reyes Mari Section 6December 17, 2009 at 10:20 PM

    I believe Castro is the most evil dictator in the last century, he is the world’s longest-reigning dictator, took power on Jan. 1, 1959, with support from both rich and poor, thanks to widespread disgust with the corrupt regime of Fulgencio Batista. Concentrating power into his own hands, killing freedom of speech, Castro moved to help his nation’s poorest, Cuba boasts an excellent system of free medical and dental care. However, Cubans who try to speak out against his policies can be imprisoned for “crimes” such as “disrespect,” “insult to the symbols of the homeland” and “dangerousness.” So basically you are with him or against him!

  62. Andreina Saade 20091110524
    Ingles III
    seccion 3

    It was a social and political catastrophe that enveloped Europe between 1914 and 1945. In a period of almost continuous upheaval society was transformed by two world wars, the Russian Revolution, the Holocaust and the rise and fall of the Third Reich. Central, of course, to the catastrophe were the dictators Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler and it makes unprecedented use of recently opened Russian and German sources to explain how their pursuit of utopian and dreadfully flawed ideals led only to dystopian nightmare. A comparative study of the Soviet and Nazi dictatorships is undermined by neglecting the key importance of Lenin’s role. Lenin demonstrates his centrality in the unfolding drama. Without mention the conflicts between Communism and Nazism that shows how the vicious rivalry between Stalin and Hitler led inescapably to a war of annihilation and genocide.

  63. Maria Alejandra Martínez
    Ingles III
    Seccion 3

    In my opinion, I think that all of these characters were the cruelest dictators in history. However, I believe that the worst dictators were Castro and Hitler. Hitler because he killed millions of people, having as a target jewish population. He also started World War II, This fact leaves a mark in the world history. Castro because he killed freedom of speech in his country, and motivate other governments to applied his system. Freedom of speech is the most important thing on a government, because if you have it you can express your problems and if you don’t you just have to follow what they want them you to do, what I am trying to say is that if in a government we cannot express our concerns we are attached to them and we are basically against him or with him.

  64. Carmine Rauzzino 200810860
    English III section 3

    Taking account everything mentioned by my colleagues and if we see the twentieth century was measure all by statistics we can make a top 3 killer dictators in history.

    The number one if we includes all the victims of the WWII was Adolf Hitler leading the group with 46 million people, including 6 millions of Jews, the second on the list far away from the leather is Joseph Stalin that kills approximately 20 million, including up to 14.5 million needlessly starved to death, and least one million executed for political "offences". Behind Joseph Stalin comes Mao Tse-Tung: kills approximately from 14 to 20 million deaths from starvation during the 'Great Leap Forward'. Tens of thousands killed and millions of lives ruined during the 'Cultural Revolution'.

  65. michele Alessandro Di Giacomo section 2December 18, 2009 at 6:05 AM

    Michele Montalvo section 2

    i believe that hitler as he was a cruel leader he was a hero too because thanks to him germany went from poverty into a superpower house he recover germany from the depths of darkness and social depression he made the german people were proud again, he also turn germany into a feared country nobody would be messing with germany now, nobody will step into germany without repercussion without punishment, i know after doing all this thing he went into the wrong direction creating war out of the thin air but one of he primary goals were to transforms he country into the great germany again make become the greatest empire of all once again.

    teacher sorry i made mistake i put also my comment in the other blog too sorry for that it is here that i want it to be in the evil dictators of the 20th century

  66. I think that one of the most evil dictators in the 20th century was Joseph Stalin, because the controlled famines, the gulags, and about the 20 million deaths in the USSR during his reign. but Stalin actually did a lot of good for his country by modernising Russia, liberating Eastern Europe from the Nazis, saving Western Europe from German invasion and turning the USSR into a superpower.

    Gustavo Hernandez
    English III section 2

  67. this are the worst dictators in human history and the worst is not only the people they had killed or the economies they had destroyed. the worst is that the past that they had constructed, we couldnt have been able to let it go, and it still hurts our world with the ideologies that they had created and the influence that thisideologies do to the people.

    Carlos Sosa
    section 5 (2pm)

  68. Fidel, Hitler, Stalin etc were dangerous and evil dictators they only wanted power; they don’t worry about the society they only care about their own reputation and authority.

    In example Fidel destroyed Cuba and their potential, is awesome that in many year nobody does something for Cuba,in this time the society is unprogressive and a lot of people don’t care about this. We need to take conscience about our history because we need to build a better future.

    Jackelinne Sanchez Section 4
    English III

  69. Hi everyone!

    First of all I agree with all the people in this blog who say that these 5 personages have been the most evil dictators of the 20th Century. For example, Adolf Hitler was evil because he causes the Second World War, and with that he killed so many people and destroyed a lot of countries. Stalin in the other hand was evil because he killed more people than Hitler and these people were of Russian, so he didn’t care about his own country.

    Others evil dictator of the history were Fulgencio Batista in Cuba, Rafael Trujillo in Dominican Republic, Mao Zedong in China and Gomez and Marcos Perez J. in Venezuela.

    Is undeniable that its charisma and the power to persuade people, especially the humble and ignorant people, with problems and that look for a new possibility of improving, is the most powerful tool that has helped them to reach that power.

    Raquel M. Iciarte P.
    English 3 Section 5

  70. Hello everyone, according to my opinion, these five dictators have been cruel to their people during their government for various reasons. Some decisions that they make are good and others bad, it all depends on the purpose that each dictator has. Also, these reasons are either economically, politically or socially, with the purpose to make things better or trying to do it for their own convenience. For example: when Stalin was in power and Russia was in a big crisis, he did big and strict changes for a better change in the country. On the other side, Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin and other dictator had gone to war, which this causes several damage to many countries. These countries were destroyed mostly economically and political, and by the time went by, dictators applied different methods to make things better to their country, also there was competition with other dictators and country, where each one of them wanted to be better than the others. Most dictators had government system like socialism, communist, and others.

    I would say, that every dictator had a purpose on their life and the big work to rule a country, were each one had to deal problems like economically or political. Other didn’t have to deal this problems because there weren’t needed to make changes, only trying to make them better.

    Nilena Jensen
    English 3
    Section 1

  71. I think that Stalin is the most cruel dictator in the world because his regime of terror caused the death and suffering of tens of millions of people, exilling, punish and killing all the people who were agains his regime, also his reform Soviet productivity and economy, making an industrialist country as good action, but that reform costed the life of many people too, and finally he fight agains nazim´s force. In my opinion he was the most evil because he did not care about the lives fo his own people.

    Chany Genua section 2

  72. These 5 evil ditators had manteined the power because they used some tecniques of opression, for example F.Castro manipulated the inhabitants, specially the kids, saying ask God a glass of milk and then they tell the kids that if they asked that same glass of milk to F.Castro, and they put the glass on the table, so the kid start loving Fidel because "he gave them the milk they wanted"...
    Stalin used the war for covering his lies and his corruption... "saving the city from the germans"...

    People in those cases feel grateful to the dictators.. they might not love them but they gave them all that they think is the best

    Maria C. Gonzalez
    english 3
    section 3

  73. I agree with the thought that these were the most Evil Dictators of the 20th Century. They have certainly destroyed complete societies by controlling all the powers of the countries they had on their hands. All this dictators have something in common between them that permitted them do what they wanted to, and this is the power of deceiving people. Dictators are people who want to have all under their control, and this is the main point of their live. They have probably an idea of how they want things to work and some way or another they make people believe that the plan that they have in mind will get the society out of all its problems. People really get to believe that this utopia will realize if they follow the dictator’s plans. So there is argument to say that dictators are real leaders, because at the end, people will do what they want. This is because they don’t see at all what will happen, that they are being deceived and used for the only benefit of their loved leader slash dictator. The societies will discover the truth later, when some of the mentioned dictators started to get to forced work the country as Stalin or Hitler did and the results are millions of deaths. These dictators made sure to get themselves known by the world with their terrible acts and the stories that could be told and testified by the ones who had the luck to escape form the regime of one of these 5 most evil dictators of the 20th Century.

  74. I think that this three characters: Fidel Castro, Adolf Hitler and Stalin, are the most cruel dictators have existed in the 20th century, not only because they violated human rights and took away the people freedom, they also murdered thousands who were not agree with them. They convinced the community that they were doing the best for them, and after they got the leadership, they controlled their nations by themselves and destroyed their economy and societies. Actually, the most part of them are dead or their government it is over, not includying Fidel Castro, who still has Cuba under his power. Venezuela´s president Hugo Chávez, is known as a socialism follower and a very close friend to Castro. He has violated the venezuelans freedom of expression, but he still has so many people who support him. I think is necessary to take a look in the past, and make good decisions in the present to make sure we are not going to live a dictatorial government again.

  75. Adolfo Santana 20091110807
    Section 5

    Hi everyone I think that those dictators have been the most evil dictators of all, once they took the power they killed thousands of people who had different thoughts and opinions , this violates the basic principles of a democratic country. These dictators influenced on the minds of people causing rejection or a huge carisma such as stallin did.,they have left their influence through the pass of time with Idi Amin in Uganda, Pinochet in Chile until now with Ghadafi,in Syria, Chavez and Ahmadineyad in iran

  76. Hi Alicia,

    Indeed as you say i also think that those 5 were and are (in Fidel Castro´s case) the most infamous dictators, but there are many types of dictatorship and that is important to remark, the blood thristy ones and the ideological ones, that is why in my opinion the worst of them all was Hitler because he not only killed massive amounts of people, made wicked genocides and played a mayor role at the WWII but he also created a complete ideological government based on hate and racism that was intended to create an "Utopic" country made out of only The "purest Aryan race".

    In Venezuela we are living the ideological type of dictatorship, hugo Cavez has ensure to plant that seed of hate in the different social and economical classes, basing his government in a Socialism intended to equalize the differences, now that does sound good of course, but what has to be done to make that ideal is the problem and that is why Socialists governments as well as comunist has never succeded in making the ideal true, but it has sunk all the countries that has tryed in a deep and apoplectic poverty.

    Unfurtunately since Chavez intends also to attack Education, there is less opportunity that future children and generations learn the truly meaning of a dictator and the ways these persons affect in Big ways a country and its Nation.

    Manuel Llanos
    English 3 - Section 5

  77. Hi Alicia,

    I also believe that these five personalities were the cruelest dictators of the 20th Century.
    However, it is important to bear in mind that these dictators became so because people believed that these leaders would work to improve their standard of life. Even though and as time passes by, these leaders frequently forget what they were elected for, and promptly they care more about keeping themselves in power rather than doing the best for the people.
    Dictators do not care about anything but staying with the power, this without caring life’s or economies.
    Despite everyone could say about dictators, these famous believed that they were doing the best for their countries.

    Daniel Lusinchi
    English three, section 5

  78. Maria Margarita GarciaMay 19, 2010 at 8:11 AM

    This five dictators not only did the worse and evil things to their countries (killing people, expropiating lands,changing the laws from better to worse...among other things) they made people believe that they were good presidents when they weren´t.
    Yes, they were leaders, but negative ones. This dictators were inteligent, some made potencial countries into bad countries and others made deffiecient countries into world powers.

    Maria Margarita Garcia
    CI: 20470497

  79. Maria Margarita GarciaMay 19, 2010 at 8:13 AM

    This five dictators not only did the worse and evil things to their countries (killing people, expropiating lands,changing the laws from better to worse...among other things) they made people believe that they were good presidents when they weren´t.
    Yes, they were leaders, but negative ones. This dictators were inteligent, some made potencial countries into bad countries and others made deffiecient countries into world powers.

    Maria Margarita Garcia
    CI: 20470497
    Section 2

  80. Diana Medina Section 2 English 3May 19, 2010 at 8:39 AM

    I think that along the history dictators did many bad things, I think the worst is killing people only because they opposed their ideas. Now some presidents not even dictators learned those bad things, with this knowledge they deceive the population of the countries telling that their governments are democracies. Then little by little they deceive people so those people think that the presidents are good persons and want the best for the country but the truth is that they only want the best for themselves.

  81. Diana Medina Section 2 English 3May 19, 2010 at 8:40 AM

    I think that along the history dictators did many bad things, I think the worst is killing people only because they opposed their ideas. Now some presidents not even dictators learned those bad things, with this knowledge they deceive the population of the countries telling that their governments are democracies. Then little by little they deceive people so those people think that the presidents are good persons and want the best for the country but the truth is that they only want the best for themselves.

  82. Alicia,
    The problem is that the citizens are always waiting for someone who save the country and improve the economy, that is when dictators act and offer a catchy speech without any moral. Then people adore them and treat them as heroes or gods and that's what dictators feed of, they feed from power.
    I think is important, to know the biografy of every dictator in history because is a way to be prepared and very careful with our own country. We are the only ones who can prevent a devastating event like the situation in Russia a long time ago.

    Yanibel Ruiz
    English III
    Section 3

  83. In my personal opinion, the most evil dictators of history were in the 20th century. In one way or other, and leaving behind the reasons of their actions, these men were unreasonable persons. Some of them wanted to make their countries grow (and that is ok) but, why did they have to do it in so drastic and evil ways? Stalin, for example, wanted Russia to be a modern society and for getting that he killed more than 30 million citizens.

    On the other hand, even though most of the people considered that this dictators are the worst men in history, I believe this dictarors were excelent politics. They knew how to control everything around them and this is why many people followed them. They have the gift of convincing people to be with them and support them.

    Gabriela Martín
    English III. Section 1

  84. The incredible thing about these five dictators is the power they have to influence people. Amazingly they always find a way to show the good part of a bad thing manipulating masses of people. They change history and leave their mark in our world by destroying their citizen’s lives, their countries, and everything they touch. They took away the liberty of expression of their people and their freedom. On the other hand, not all dictators in history were bad people, some of them had good ideas for building their countries, and some of them succeeded. Although, history has taught us that most dictators get so immersed in their own power that at the end they always tend to fail.


  85. These dictators are all the same thing, they start the goverment saying that they are going to be the solution to all the problems of their countrys but it was all a big lie these goverments kills people, take people to poberty, there were no food, they were comunist, and they support all that things saying that all that things they have done were for the best things they can do for their countries. I think that all these dictators were the same thing but in different years so i can said that people dont learn about the mistake that theyhave done before electin this types of presidents.

    Ricardo Arriaga 20091110661
    Ingles III
    Section 4

  86. all the dictators named before were only remembered becaused of all the negatives things they did in the past, even if they have transform their countries into world powers so they could be recognized as important coutries. That is wrong, all of the dictators what they search for is power and invincibility or maybe become Gods, but at what cost is that turning there own motherland into a giant graveyard were all their popullation is turned into nothing. That is what they only care, about them selves...
    And now something similar what happened in the past is happening in our country, every private company or property is being expropiated and that is one of the first steps to kill a country and making it useless.

    Sergio Morales
    ingles III
    section 2

  87. Stefania Beitia
    Sec 2, english 3

    A dictator is defined as a person that abuse of his or her authority and power. Most of the dictatorships in the past were handed by evil people, who didn’t have compassion for the others, and make them suffer. Dictators like Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler were the most important in the area.
    First, Joseph Stalin known as Man of Steel, a Russian who was the leading maximum of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and of the Communist party of the Soviet Union from middle of the year 1920, made people worshipped him, his doctrine still exercises tremendous influence all over the world. Diverse historians think that the victims of Stalin's regime range between 4 and 60 million dead men, but people still adore him.
    Another example of an evil dictator was Adolf Hitler, leader, ideologist and original member of the Party German National Socialist of the Workers, guilty for killing millions of Jewish people.
    Dictators, still here, people like Fidel Castro in Cuba and Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe, are one of the alive example, they are doing the same things that the dictators named did, and in my opinion we must fight against dictatorships.

  88. I think Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Fidel Castro, Pol Pot and Kim Il were geniuses. Do not get me wrong, they were monsters for what they did but to be able to get in the way as they came in and ensure maintenance is a very dark and psychopath intelligence and very unethical but still remains bright.
    Unfortunately for humanity these men did not know how to use that intelligence to get the love and power of worship in a more peaceful and enjoyable. who knows ? maybe if Hitler or Stalin would have had a different route or had focused their life goals in some other plan may now be remembered not as demons but as comparable geniuses as compared with any great geniuses of history.

    Daniel Arzola Inglis III section 3

  89. I think Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Fidel Castro, Pol Pot and Kim Il were geniuses. Do not get me wrong, they were monsters for what they did but to be able to get in the way as they came in and ensure maintenance is a very dark and psychopath intelligence and very unethical but still remains bright.
    Unfortunately for humanity these men did not know how to use that intelligence to get the love and power of worship in a more peaceful and enjoyable. who knows? maybe if Hitler or Stalin would have had a different route or had focused their life goals in some other plan may now be remembered not as demons but as comparable geniuses as compared with any great geniuses of history.

    Daniel Arzola section 3 englihs III

  90. Carlos Siverio

    Most of the dictators that we have known throughout history, they promise a radical change in social and economic policies of his country, and this is one of the things that makes it more attractive to others. Dictators generally arise due to the socio-political systems of personality, where one person tends to take the credits.

    However, the majority of dictators mostly leftist dictators change the meaning of social practices and use them to concentrate economic and political power, while the right-wing dictators promised economic improvement for his country and in fact some will succeed, as during Pinochet's term but deprived of political and social freedoms of the people, committing atrocities like any dictatorship.

    I think that if one of the messages or morals that history has given us is that we should not trust this most inspiring leader but the one best suited for the job .. and a secure but even more the separation of powers of each country blurring the personal politics.

  91. Alan sol

    ingles 3

    seccion 7

    carnet : 200865000

    Joseph Staling was born in Georginia and he was the leader and dictator of the soviet union. Also the general secretay of the communist party of the soviet union . In mi opinio he was and evil dictator becuase we was responsable for the death of 20 million people. He kill almost any one that he suspect of treason , and does that dirint fallow his command. In addition all the country people that lived a rural live, he took all of their supplies and put then in to slavery. However Stalin became the focus of literature, poetry, music, paintings and film in the soviet union durint his command.Stalin followed the position adopted by Lenin that religion was an opiate that needed to be removed in order to construct the ideal communist society. therefore many peoples of the soviet union thought that we was a god , but the true is that the only thing that he was is an evil man that wanted to have all the power in the world and dirint care about the humans lives.

  92. Armando Delgado
    Carnet: 200864490

    Well i have been reading many post of Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Fidel Castro and i haven't heard anything important about Kim Il-sung's son,"Kim Jong-il". He wasn't as evil as other dictators if we talk about killing people but what i'd like to tell you guys, this dictator has a close relationship with our president, because The North Korean government runs a series of “re-education camps” that hold as many as 50,000 citizens of all ages prisoner for political “crimes” such as failure to adore the Dear Leader (His Father). Kim Jong-Il also faced international pressure over human rights because he was involved in at least two acts of state-sponsored terrorism. The first was a 1983 bombing in Rangoon, Burma, which left 17 South Korean government officials dead. The second, a 1987 bombing of Korean Airlines flight 858, killed all 115 people on board.

    Who was the Bloodiest Tyrant of the 20th Century?

    First Place: Mao Zedong "40 Million"
    Second Place:Adolf Hitler "34 Million"
    Third Place: "24 Million"

  93. tommys gonzalez
    english 3 seccion 4

    We can see how this dictators are really similars in some aspects , they are truly believers of his method , and they think that is the best and the only method who is capable to make a big change in his country, they think that they are a tipe of real heroes, and they want to be showed like that, one example is stalin, he wanted to be showed like a loving and afective person , even when all of us know that was a big lie.

    They all killed millions of people, and they enjoyed that, this is a really impresive thing, how this people could enjoy watching all this murders in a masive way, and how they could live calmly knowing that they were the reason of this.

    I think that this is the thing that made them evil dictators, the hidden desire of bloodlust that all of them had.

  94. Maria Andreina Parra CrevillenMay 20, 2010 at 5:11 PM

    English 3
    Maria Andreina Parra Crevillen

    No doubt these dictatorships have been the worst and most cruel in the world, all had the same goal to submit to the majority to the same political ideology and the same end expansive ideological generate a current based on the same thought.

    Throughout history we have been able to realize that all dictators have always followed the same pattern and have the same slogans: they seek to be leaders, not seeking support from the masses but rather the subject and ultimately their goals in general not make major changes in society but instead get the leadership and social support by media.

    Dictatorships are generally based on the doctrine of totalitarianism whose sole objective: to concentrate power in one person violating the principle of separation of public powers, to justify policy action through an expansive global ideology, to use a systematic policy of terror by which to prevent any dissent against a political ideology that seeks to impose at all costs and all risks for any price taking lives and causing a dissociation of the society in general, finally dictatorships generally seek to control every branch of human activity and occupy the entire social space.

    Is for these reasons that these dictatorships have produced terrible consequences for humanity resulting in the loss of life generated by killings for political reasons which is certainly violates human rights, attacks on religion, as dictatorial leaders believe the gods of society and for them there is no other leader, attacks on freedom of thought and expression which does not permit any dissenting opinion against totalitarian governments in order to have generated negative values, social hatred and division.

    That is why today given the terrible consequences generated by dictatorships views over history, we must not look for leaders, not revolutionary but people who seek to cultivate the core values of democracy generating public debates, listening to dissent and working to better social integration. apparently, and the consequences created by dictatorships in history and aberrant effects, we must raise awareness and promote democracy, integration and overall values involving and evolving to a better awareness of true human freedom.

  95. English III
    Section 3
    Richard Toro.

    I am totally agree that these were and are (Fidel Castro) the most evil dictators that ever existed. The most interesting thing between these Presidents is that they all have been charismatic, and it is the first reason of why they could stay leading a country for many years.

    Taking an advantage of this feature, they have made believers a lot of people through time and that having the power to manage the information in the country they have been able to manage people in their own way.

    Summarizing, it have been prove that a ditatorship is the wrong way to get better a country, so people should not believe in Presidents who are always saying that "i am making this, because it is the best for the country".


    I believe that all these governments were brought to power because in a specific moment in the history of the countries each of them ruled, many factors arose like labor unrest, political conflicts or Cultural Revolution. These dictators took advantage of this entire situation to make a proposal that people believed in, then they used that to manipulate and extort the citizens. They wanted their countries to be World Powers.
    I think that in spite of the victims of those regimes many people think that those dictators were good; for example, in Russia, there are people that miss Joseph Stalin until this day.

  97. This comment has been removed by the author.

  98. Joseph Stalin was the leader of the Soviet Union and the Communist party. he used ruthless methods to consolidate his power and ruled the Soviet Union by terror. Methods like these have been used by theses other four dictators, being considered the evil ones. Some people are convinced that they were doing the right thing, because off their beliefs. In my opinion the first human right is "to live", so being this violated, this is not longer considered the right thing or a proper action to govern.
    I would like to finalized with this phrase:

    "Education is a wepon, whose effect depends on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed."

    Andrea Delgado 20091112590
    English 3

  99. This comment has been removed by the author.

  100. Nassib Karam 200907340
    seccion 4
    Enlish 3

    When we finished the 19th century full of inventions and many important events, we began a new time of rise of dictatorships in the 20th century.

    About 100 dictators, but only the top five were the cruelest. Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Fidel Castro, Pol Pot and Kim IL. These criminals have committed immoral acts:
    in the Stalin regime 800 000 prisoners were executed for political crimes, 1.7 million died in gulags and some 390,000 perished during forced relocations, A total of about 3 million victims. However, Some researchers think there was more than 20 million victims.
    In Hitler regime Between 1939 and 1945, the SS, assisted by collaborationist governments and recruits from occupied countries, systematically killed between 11 and 14 million people, including about six million Jews, in the concentration camps, ghettos and mass executions and through other methods such as medical experiments.
    We can highlight another dictator like Fidel Castro who follows with a dictatorship of almost 50 years. Castro announced an end to democratic elections in Cuba; in addition civil liberties have been whittled away as labor unions lost the right to strike, independent newspapers shut down, and religious institutions harassed.
    As another dictator from the most cruel we have kim il from North Korea. his regime is accused of human rights violations. The Western media insist on the existence of concentration camps, such as Hoeryong, In it are prisoners to 50,000 men, women and children accused of political crimes. They killed children born to prisoners.

    All these dictators attack against human rights and did what they wanted without taking into consideration anyone. They think 'that whatever they decide is the truth and who dares to question sanction would be severely. However, if we compare these dictators we can really see that Stalin was the cruelest of all, he was the one who killed the most of people without remorse. This does not mean that other dictators have not committed serious crimes, but Stalin was the worst of all no doubt followed by Hitler who committed the biggest genocide of the history. We must learn from these dictators do not imitate, and it is our duty that these events nonhumans happen again.

    Nassib Karam 200907340
    English 3
    seccion 4

  101. Tiffany D'Angelo

    In my opinion, these people's followers did not adore them like it appears to be the common idea among others. Due to the great power that these dictators had people were forced to either follow them or be prosecuted in an attempt to prove them wrong. A clear example is the case of Hitler's dictatorship. People who were against his ideology were prosecuted and sent to concentration camps where they were tortured and killed. However, most of the people who favored his belief were empowered and governed along side with him.Among many other cruel behaviors, since these dictators used terror not only to govern the countries but also to gain followers, I think these five were the worst of the 21st century.

  102. when talking about this evil dictators people usually focus on their cruelty and the ruthless methods they used to consolidate their power. They talk about the things that they did and the consequences of those actions, but I personally believe that we should be more concerned about the factors that allowed such heartless men to become the political leaders of their respective countries.

    The one thing that all these dictatorships had in common, either they were Right or left headed is that they all took advantage of the social and economic situation that prevailed in the country. In every case the majority of the people were living in the most deplorable condition, so these revolutionary leaders put all their effort into enhancing the gap of hate that separated the social/economic classes promoting a clash between them and promising the change that too many people wanted for so long.
    So I think it’s important to us to stop and evaluate if this could happen in our countries, and if it does, what could we do about it.

    Unfortunately, I live in a country in which this is already happening

    Alejandro Andres Hernandez
    English 3, Seccion 5

  103. A curious fact is that all these dictators were socialists or communists who wanted to build in their country a regime based on these doctrines, reaching out to deceive many people that this was the best for them, but it really was?.

    In the case of Stalin, perhaps the most evil dictator in history, despite promoting atheism in their government and to think that religion was an opiate that needed to be removed to build the ideal communist society, he was adored by many people like a god why?, may be for that by destroying all religion and God in his country he becomes the only person who can and should be adored, to the point that although many people did not have food on the table but they had a picture of Stalin on the wall.

    However, not all these evil dictators destroyed the economy in their country, a clear example of this is Stalin who took his rural country and became an industrial powerhouse but the question is at what cost?.

    And we can not forget if not the first the second most evil dictator in modern history with Stalin, Hitler. Who convinced his own people that the Jewish race was to be eliminated because it was the cause of the war and all its problems. In this sense, many people saw Hitler as a kind of god necessary for the salvation of Germany.

    I believe These two Were the most evil ones Dictators of the 20th Century.

    Angel Guerra
    English 3 - Section 5

  104. I think people should evaluate the history of this evil dictators in order to avoid the tragedy suffered by all thiss countries.

    But if we want to make this reflection, we need to found the reasons that made this dictators could reach the power.

    Personally, i think all this countries had some elements in common. If we study the situation of Germany before Hitler, or Cuba before castro for example, we will found they were countries with big economic problems and a lot of social resentment.

    Thats the moment when this dictators took advantage of the situation and offered hope to a country with hungry. Countries that found in Castro, Hitler or Stalin a reason to believe.

    The problem was that the mens who were elected to be the solution provocated even a bigger problem. Cruelty, murders and authoritarianism turned in the most important elements of this régimes.

    The conclusion for all the societies in the world is that when they happened for hard situations they have to be smart and dont let fake leaders with fake hopes deceive the people with populism.

    Enrique Delgado
    Carnet #20091111265
    seccion 4

  105. Days ago we saw a history documental about Josef Stalin and his political project…then, a lot of thinking came in my mind. Do we really want a jackboot on our consciences?. Little by little, the Chavez´s “socialism” had removed all our national identity. We saw how he changed our patriotic symbols, our country name, our constitution, etc, only to achieve a personal goal. Many people thought in1999 that a military man could bring them a better way of life, but today the facts and the history have demonstrated that when a government takes wrong decisions the results are catastrophic. We have lost our democracy and in consequence we will lost our beloved Venezuela. Every day, we sadly see how the selfishness and ambitious of power of only one man snatches our future. We live afraid for our lives, our properties, our families, our jobs, because the president doesn´t want productive people instead, he wants submissive citizens. Like the history of Russians, our actually situation benefits a minority pro-government group at the sacrifice of all country. We have a confiscated justice, a National Assembly that works only for the president, a terrifying pressure on the productive companies and an insecurity that is ending with the life of our younger people, who are the future. But all is not lost, we have the opportunity to change, we have the responsibility to lead our country to a democracy way again, we will must to vote on September National Assembly elections if we want to live in a country where there are opportunities for everyone and where we can live as brothers not as enemies.

    Antonella Fabiano
    English III. Section 3

  106. Maria Andreina Parra CrevillenMay 21, 2010 at 7:41 AM

    Maria Andreina Parra Crevillen
    Ingles 3

    No doubt these dictatorships have been the worst and most cruel in the world, all had the same goal to submit to the majority to the same political ideology and the same end expansive ideological generate a current based on the same thought.

    Throughout history we have been able to realize that all dictators have always followed the same pattern and have the same slogans: they seek to be leaders, not seeking support from the masses but rather the subject and ultimately their goals in general not make major changes in society but instead get the leadership and social support by media.

    Dictatorships are generally based on the doctrine of totalitarianism whose sole objective: to concentrate power in one person violating the principle of separation of public powers, to justify policy action through an expansive global ideology, to use a systematic policy of terror by which to prevent any dissent against a political ideology that seeks to impose at all costs and all risks for any price taking lives and causing a dissociation of the society in general, finally dictatorships generally seek to control every branch of human activity and occupy the entire social space.

    Is for these reasons that these dictatorships have produced terrible consequences for humanity resulting in the loss of life generated by killings for political reasons which is certainly violates human rights, attacks on religion, as dictatorial leaders believe the gods of society and for them there is no other leader, attacks on freedom of thought and expression which does not permit any dissenting opinion against totalitarian governments in order to have generated negative values, social hatred and division.

    That is why today given the terrible consequences generated by dictatorships views over history, we must not look for leaders, not revolutionary but people who seek to cultivate the core values of democracy generating public debates, listening to dissent and working to better social integration. apparently, and the consequences created by dictatorships in history and aberrant effects, we must raise awareness and promote democracy, integration and overall values involving and evolving to a better awareness of true human freedom.

  107. I believe these dictators were cruel and they convince a lot of people in the way to the power. But one thing is true we cannot look them as a simple politician that win an election, because they mange in some ways to maintain the power for many years and control countries with lies and fakes promises.

    Yes it is certain that they were cruel but to this list of five I will add another name Slobodan Milosevic a man how was as cruel as the other five, ruler of Yugoslavia in the 90’s, a responsible for the death of many and not only Milosevic because in every place that we look we are going to find a dictator, Robert Mugabe, Kin Joill II o Mao Tse Tung and other names that would create a extent list of names. Yes those five were cruel but a I think that other man were more cruel in history that certain names of that list, names as Milosevic or Deng Xiaoping responsible for the death of the Tiananmen Square.

    Andres Pulido Marquez
    English III Sec. 5

  108. When a society is devastated, have financial problems and larger groups are not satisfied, there is a possibility that someone comes to fix the problems. In our history, the proof of this is that five men were able to convince millions of people that their actions were wrong. A proposal that may seem ideal until it becomes a personal whim and later on a whim of the majority. When people lose the north, the results can be chaotic, and indeed they were.

    What history tells us is that human beings are very easy to convince and to follow rules without being aware of its consequences; this was the key that enabled these five dictators to appear.

    These five men caused a great impact on the world. People were afraid of them, and with a lot of reasons because they slaughtered those who disagreed with his policies, many were those who died between the governments of Stalin and Hitler, many innocent people lost their lives for the whim of a man.

    Maria Lopez
    Ingles III, sección I

  109. Today the new dictators want to be called democratic taking as forms of government the participatory democracy which comes misunderstood what democracy is and are confusing the fundamental beginning of the democracy this by making the rich oppress the poor and become a total anarchy for the state to take absolute power many do not understand very well what I mean but here in Venezuela in 2010 it is lived day by day

    ana magallanes sectionIII teacher alica arraiz

  110. When I decide to write in this post, I was asking myself a question, how come this society, this humanity has gone through all this pain, sorrow and fear, one and one, and even that we are not capable to understaing, or at least change our mines.
    A read in one of the answers that we are no one to made an opinion of what is going on now and what happen in the 20th century, how come?, how come a human been that is part of this society should be quite about murders, about hunger, about suffering? Not talking should be the answer? Said that everything is about the Medias and just close our eyes when thousands of people die it’s ok?
    I don’t think so! Fidel Castro has destroy Cuba, how sure we are of that?, simple, we just have to read and talk with people that are survivors of this, and not media people, there is an example, Armando Valladares is a Cuban, he was in political detention for about 20 years, just because he wasn’t agree with Mr. Castro, he was tortured and he saw a lot of Cubans die, one through another, he has write several books, as “Contra toda esperanza”, a book with documents and testimonies of what had happened.
    Another example? No media people, I have a great friend, he is Jewish, his family was all killed, except his father when he was 3 years old in the murder camps of Adolf Hitler, and, as him, many more, the university has made a couple of seminaries with a great woman a survivor with her arm tattooed with the numbers of death.
    Abu Bun, he is a survivor of Sierra Leona and the disaster another dictator had made, all his family killed including his grandmother of 86, killed after 8 people rape her!
    A just can believe someone really think we should close our mouth! The only way to try to stop these again is talking, pushing the true comes out, and we need to open our eyes and heart to humanity, as soon as is possible.

    Carla Orizondo
    Section 5

  111. Due to some trauma in their childhood or some situation that leads to think differently to the rest of society, these dictators think they do is right. The people who follow them do it by fear to be convicted of treason. Many of the ideas that these dictators came to power were not wrong, but the abuse of power led them to be people that ended up being cruel and do what they did.

    Daniel Carral
    Ingles |||, prof. ANNERY SOSA

  112. Adolf Hitler could be considered seize solely responsible for the events that triggered World War II. With du hatred and rancor did that in alemania the Jews, gypsies, homosexuals and demas. Besides the fact that in other countries also sintio this and extendio without limit. They forced other countries to intervene when Hitler's intentions became clear. Nevertheless, it was not before after of the war the degree of Hitler's evil was discovered, but by then the dictator had killed himself and could not be taken before the courts for his numerous crimes against the humanity.
    Saddam Hussein, President of Iraq from 1979 until 2003

    During that time he managed to terrify and oppress his people while waging wars that were not only costly, but were ultimately unsuccessful. He caused the deaths of thousands during these wars, which were waged mainly for oil and power. He also allowed his men to rape, torture, unjustly jail and even murder civilians. Finally, in March of 2003, after having already waged war with Iraq in 1991, the U.S. declared war on the country once again.

    SECCION 02

  113. Daniel Sanchez

    Throughout the course of history, we have learned about many men who have become evil dictators, and made a sad memory for those countries who had to live under their power. Among these evil dictators we have Adolf Hitler. Below is a brief bibliography of his life and how he came to be one of the worst dictators in history.

    Adolf Hitler was born in Austria in the year 1889. As a young child he lived with his mother and his grandfather who was a jew. When Hitler was a teenager he moved to Vienna to pursue his dream of becoming an artist. However, none of the art school accepted him due to the fact that he didn't graduate from high school. After being rejected from school, Hitler joined the military and fought in World War I. During his years in war, Hitler was blinded by a mustard gas attack and was taken to a hospital. While in the hospital, Hitler got his sight back and found out that Germany had surrendered.

    Hitler grew up believing that the jews were the ones to blame for all of Germany's miseries. He believed that his goal in life was to save Germany, and for that, the jews would have to die. After World War I, Hitler became a part of the Nazi Party, and eventually became the leader. Hitler was thrown in jail for treason against Germany, and in his trials the judge decided to give Hitler privileges during his time in jail because he liked Hitler.

    When Hitler was out of jail, he applied for German citizenship so he could run for president of Germany. Hitler got his citizenship and ran for president, he won the election and became President in 1933. While in power, Hitler ordered to kill 6 million jews; at least 2 million were small children.

  114. I believe that those men were the most evil Dictator in history. After watched at class the documentary “Stalin man of steel” of History Channel, and some of the others on different channels before. I can say that those of them are being daily more actual from our country, Venezuela.
    Also the world should have been learned of those critical situations that are written in the history of the Earth. Venezuelan’s people should have opened their eyes and see how would be their life, their possession, their education, their personal properties, anyways, everything around us. If the government takes off the mask and we became a real dictatorship.
    On the documentary (Stalin man of steel) we can find some similarities (for example), the first one is when they expropriate (or snatch) from peasant some farm, or just took their products. The second one the constant fear that some people of his cabinet are against him, or someone is trying to kill him (e.g. his doctors) and the most important is rewriting the history as he wanted to teach to children.
    I am sure that if someone watches this documentary in about 6 months, he will see more similarities that he didn’t before.

    English III section 5
    Miguel R. 200865490

  115. This comment has been removed by the author.

  116. Those five dictators were the worst of the 20th Century. They, together, killed over one billion people. The crazy ideals of each dictator had as a result all this deaths.

    Dictators like Stalin and Hitler used their knowledge to convince people that their ideals were the best to have a better country. With the people on their side they could do whatever they wanted, and as a reult they destroyed their own countries and thier own people.

    All this dictators have somehting in common. Many people still adore them. And why they are adored by so many people? Because they only recognized one type of goverment, they thought that each dictator's action was for the best of the country. This people couldn't compare their dictator for another that was before, because they lived all their lives knowing one type of goverment.

    Igor bethencourt
    Section #3 English #3

  117. Carlos Hostos # 200903030
    Section 4, Ingles III

    I really believe that all of these persons were the most evils dictators in history. They can convince many of people to believe in their ideals, they kill millions of persons by a systematic way, they caused conflicts between different countries, also destroy the economy and the society was a totally caos. That is why i said that Stalin, Hitler, Castro, Pot and Kim are the worst dictators ever

  118. Alan Etchart
    section 2 english III

    Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Fidel Castro, Pol Pot and Kim Il were a few of the most evil dictators in history. With their charisma convince the people to follow them was the rigth or the wrong desition for theirs countries. All the named before kill their adversaries or the ones how dissagree with theirs ideals and plans. Also, the people was so blind than years later continue to adored them likes a god. ther are also another dictators like Augusto Pinochet, Benito Mussolini, Francisco Franco, etc. but the named in the biggining are maybe the most cruelty and evil dictators ever.

  119. Jessica Manganiello (200903180)
    English III
    Sección 1

    These five dictators were the biggest killers and the best leaders in the world. Although began their processes of Government with a seemingly good idea according to its own ideals, these ideals were being cruelly implanted and without any reflection on values involved acts closely.

    Although these dictators were leaders, managers, teachers, and creators of the ideas that ended not only with economies and cities, but also with millions of humans lives; are not completely responsible for these massive destruction but these destructions were carried out mainly by civilians help and carried out the ideals.

    For this reasons, was biggest the power and leadership of these dictators that his level of cruelty; that if we investigate, almost any person of those millions who died, were killed by this dictators, but by all those who followed his ideals.

  120. Most of these dictators have convinced people that the only escape apparatus were problems, they played the fiber of the masses to be only the beginning, the approval of these.

    Joseph Stalin was one of the greatest, and for me the most, of the dictators of the world. My great grandfather was Russian, a priest, with a complete family of six children: three men and three women. At the time of the fall of communism they were forced to flee their homeland, reaching Serbia, at the time the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. Since being there my great grandfather decided to return to Russia only to strip for the return of the Tsar, his oldest son wanted to accompany him. After a long long time these two did not return, and already knew that the Communists had killed Tsar. My great grandmother was able to guess what happened, the two of them were killed. After 40 years, and in Venezuela, my great grandmother could see the list of executions of the Communists in which one could see the names of my great grandfather and my great-uncle. They were listed separately because they were killed in separate concentration camps, to my great grandfather was killed when Lenin ruled at 54 years old and my uncle in the days of Stalin at 32 years old.

    Upon hearing this hirtoria of my family, I always wonder: How can the world allow mentally ill people so they can govern a country? What is the role of international organizations? The saddest thing is that despite that we are already in the nineteenth century there are still dictators in the world, making their people suffer for the sole purpose of enriching them and their surroundings.

    Pablo Volkov
    English III. Section 3.

  121. I believe that these five persons are the most Evil Dictators of the 20th Century,for several reasons: first,by the system that they imposed in their countries, the way of killing people because they were intellectuals or by simply being against them and i think the most important feature of these dictators was their personality, because they had intelligence in order to have the power that they had and they were leaders. Also,they had the power to convince people that they were doing the best for their countries. To conclude, some of these dictators were the most terrifying persons and influentials of all the times and they have been heros worshipped and still have their admirers.

    Marialejandra Aguilar
    Section 2
    English III

  122. I think these were the most influential dictators in history. These dictators were able to implement their ideologies on people making a lot of support and even forming new parties. The problem occurs when attempting to defend their governments they killed the people that didn't support their ideology, violating human rights and establishing a reign of fear. What I find ironic is that most of these dictators were able to bring their nations to major powers with their actions, which means that to develope a good country we must eliminate people with different ideologies or that are not productive for the country. Therefore, Dictators have existed and they will keep existing in history until people do not accept that paceful solutions should be achieved.

    Daniel Villano
    Section 3/English III

  123. Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Fidel Castro, Pol Pot and Kim Il were people who achieved their goals because of their abilities to connect with the masses by manipulating emotions and not throughout rationality. They took control of countries such as Russia, Germany, Cuba, Cambodia and North Korea by using repression, strength and fear and which helped them to destroy their economies and societies. These five dictators were the most influential people of the 20th century who do not only caused damage and deaths in their countries, but also in humanity.

    Andrea Pulido
    section 2, English 3

  124. I think these five stents were the worst during the 20th century, but to me, the worst was the German dictator Adolf Hitler, because he killed millions, destroyed millions of families in several European countries, and he earned the title of the worst dictator in the history of 20th century for causing the Second World War which destroyed the lives of many people, we can also consider Stalin as the second most evil dictator in history because his country had to pass through the worst decline in the economic and social aspect, exterminating people who were against him, but he never killed as many people as the second war that Adolfo caused.

    jonathan Hernandez
    section 5 english 3

  125. I think Hitler was the worst dictator in history, although all 5 of them were terrible and evil, Adolf Hitler was the worst. Millions of people dying just because an idea of a perfect nation of being all of a pure race, hunting and murdering the jewish, is thruth that Stalin killed more people than Hitler and most of this people were of his own country he also, but Hitler destroyed a lot of countries in the secord world war, war which was caused by him.

    Javier Gonzalez, Ingles III, Sec. 1

  126. I think this series really were evil dictators because they could achieve their goals, maintain the full power of their countries, but this was achieved because these characters were able to move the masses, or play with the ignorance of the people in your country , is it perhaps that people do not see what happens under their noses?

    Luis Hernández, 20091112686, Ingles III, section 4.

  127. These five dictators were responsible for millions of deaths in different countries, convinced many of his affections, that they ended with the traitors to the country to find the best for their countries, but it is impossible to talk about what is best for a country, when for this you must kill your own people. Some of these dictators destroyed entire towns, taking with them innocent lives. Those who supported these dictatorships were people blinded and not very educated people, who believed in any speech cheap of these murderers and cruel dictators, moreover, there are the people who supported these movements because they benefited socially and economically. Stalin, Hitler, Castro, Pol Pot and Kim II are characters who should not be idolized, his acts in history were cruel and cowardly, they ended innocent people to satisfy their ideals absurd and meaningless. Unfortunately there are still some of them and still killing people, economies and societies, as is the case of Castro, that turned Cuba into a country in ruins. Dictatorships must be repudiated and above all, the fact of ending human lives to achieve a goal. Death is not the road.

    Sebastian Ribis
    English III, Section 3

  128. In my opinion, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Fidel Castro, Pol Pot and Kim Il were a the most evil dictators of the 20th century. All of them had the ability to convince people to follow them and support the ideas they made for their country. This 5 dictators manage to do whatever they could to stay on the power, like killing their politics opponents so that there were not any competition, or killing anyone that didn’t agree with the revolution. One characteristic in common that all of this 5 dictators have, was that they made themselves as an icon or “god” to the people, that’s why people love them so much and they believe that the dictators were their only salvation, but they didn’t knew that their governor was the one who was putting their country and lives in risk.

    Jorge Bolivar, Section 7, English 3

  129. this dictators have something in common all of them were loved by some group of people, this people gave them the power to become what they were, some people did it for a better future... but what they didn't know is that the same president that they elected will change their lifes and their future by enslaving them, killing them and removing their life rights. this dictators leave a legacy like fidel castro, we don't know if him still alive or if him is death but before his last appearance him gave his place in the government to his brother who is nowadays on charge of cuba, on the other hand there is a particular situation in Stalin's death there were thousands of persons crying for this men who destroyed their lifes, that means that him was loved and hate at the same time. i agree that this five persons were the evil dictators of the 20th century because there isn't nobody else after they that had destroyed a whole estate. each one of them had his own idea of perfect nation and they jut put in on with the power that the state gave them, they had a huge power to convince the people who believed them and put all his future in their hands.
    Andrès Cuellar, English 3, section 7

  130. I agree Adolf Hitler was one of the most evil and cruel dictators the world has known, he killed almost seven million Jews just because he didn’t accept this race. Counting the number of Jews murdered and the soldiers who died in the war, Hitler is responsible for almost 42 million deaths. While researching I have just found I was wrong, MAO Tse Tung China`s communist leader was even worse than Hitler. Mao caused more than 77 million deaths, because of his agrarian policies and actions. In which 20 million died from starvation during the Great Leap Forward, it was a period of famine that devastated the country and big part of China`s population. A number of deaths much bigger than that of Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler. Surprising right?
    Leon Winkler section 4

  131. Adolf Hitler was one of the most evil dictators of the world, if he is not the most evil nowadays. Killing people because of their religion, is not the best for the country. What was he teaching? What did he really want for his country?
    To massacre is not the solution for a better country, or for a better world. Wether he like it or not, Jews are people, like everyone in the world, and just because for their religion they were killed. Is that fair? He was so wrong in his thoughts.
    To me, this is a really harsh way to make a discrimination. If we had the same tastes, the same religion, same colour, same cultures, etc. The world would be very bored. The mixture of all those different cultures, religions, tastes, etc. Makes the world so different and interesting. Finally, we are people, no matter what. That is my point. Killing and discriminating people doesn't make you a better person, it makes you look ridiculous.

    Ana Cristina Sánchez, section 7.

  132. Adolf Hitler was one of the most evil dictators of the world, if he is not the most evil nowadays. Killing people because of their religion, is not the best for the country. What was he teaching? What did he really want for his country?
    To massacre is not the solution for a better country, or for a better world. Wether he like it or not, Jews are people, like everyone in the world, and just because for their religion they were killed. Is that fair? He was so wrong in his thoughts.
    To me, this is a really harsh way to make a discrimination. If we had the same tastes, the same religion, same colour, same cultures, etc. The world would be very bored. The mixture of all those different cultures, religions, tastes, etc. Makes the world so different and interesting. Finally, we are people, no matter what. That is my point. Killing and discriminating people doesn't make you a better person, it makes you look ridiculous.

    Ana Cristina Sánchez,
    English III, Section 7.

  133. Given the historical circunstances in wich these dictators live it's reasonable to understand why they were evil to stay in power and rule their society. In the case of Stalin he made the Soviet Union the world's second most powerful nation and when he died millions of Soviet citizens went to his funeral because they were pleased with what he had done to the country. Hitler arrived to the power after the world war one with the porpose of making Germany an excellent nation, he was trying to fix the economical situation that was really bad after the war, the people had no hopes after war and when the Nazis showed up they counted on them to fix all the problems, and for this reason the Nazi party and Hitler were loved by a very big part of the population. Castro appeared in the middle of a revolution, people usually believes in revolutions because they pretend to have the porpose of making a bad situation better and this is not always truth... We have to understand that sometimes these dictators have good intentions towards their countries and they might fix some situations, but generally these regimes are very cruels and unfairs, many people who are against the policies are killed or enprisioned because they don't share the same ideology than these dictators. Any regime that doesn't offer to its citizens their esential freedom and rights can't be considered a good regime.

  134. Miroslava CarvajalMay 23, 2010 at 4:44 PM

    There have been diverse dictators in the world history and as consequence of them millions of death.

    In order to develop an improved the future of the country, citizens need to know more about the history, so it will help us to understand more about what actually are the future goals of a president, and to avoid repetitive histories cases ocurred within others governments.

    It is easy to observe that in the case of the dictators previously named, the principal common characteristics were the populism and the oratorical capacity with citizens. Therefore, through these characteristics individuals of a country feel that they could identify themselves with that person, leaving on the other side what is actually important, that is either supporting or no the future plans and targets that the candidate has for the country.

    Furthermore, everyone as citizen of a country should have as a principal objective, the improvement and development of a country within all the area under discussions such as social, political, economic issues, etc; instead of taking into considerations redundant characteristics of the candidate to elect.

    For all these reaosns, citizens have to concentrate in if the future goals that the elected candidate is suggesting to apply are in fact adaptable or no to the country.

    Miroslava Carvajal. Ingles III

  135. I agree with this list of evil dictators. I think that Hitler was the worst of them, because he not only wanted to turn his country into a world empire, but to exterminate what he considered “inferior races”. In fact, Hitler is the responsable of the largest genocide in human history and he only was moved by racist reasons.

    Anais Marchionna
    English III
    Section 3

  136. There are people who still believe in those Dictactors, because they used all ways to get their sympathy, and they knew very good how to persuade them. The unbelievable is that several of them got the power on elections and that is very worrying because this is a proof of How the majority can be wrong.So is important to highlight and give details about what they did and all the consequences that it had and still having. This is one way to avoid that those terrible facts continue happening.

    Grisel Nakoul
    English III
    Seccion 7

  137. Great list, completely accurate. I think that the worst dictator was Adolf Hitler, he killed millions and millions of innocent people only because they were jewish, black, or only because they were different to his theory about the purity race.
    The people from Germany thought that he was going to change their economy for good, their justice and political system, but they were wrong, he was a megalomaniac dictator.

    Orlando Urdaneta
    English III
    Section 2

  138. Well, my point of view is a bit different from several of you, because first i think that many of you have like a wrong opinion, becuase you only repeat what you heard on streets. I don't support or approve the dictators or genocides but i only think that people must research a little, because i can bet that only a few make a research before making an opinion of any theme, for example politic, specificlly: dictators.

    Many of your opinions about Hitler are that he was a racist, that he was mad or any other adjective (i'm not saying that he wasn't), but how many of you know that one of his reasons to do what he did ( apart of his own issues) was that when the jews were expulsed of their land and Germany open it doors to them, they first were okey and kind of shy, but then they started improving their own economy kicking out the germans until they reached a ponit were they almost taked all the economy and power of Germany into their hands, leaving the germans as the outsiders.And he convinced those mass of people because whether we like it or not he was a Leader, just as the other dictators, and it's a shame that they didn't used their talent towards a better purpose.

    With this i don't pretend to defend or support Hitler or any of these Ditactors because i also have the beliving that the way they solved their issues or leaded their conutries wasn't the best, it was horrible and cruel, it let a mark on our history, and is a fact that we will never forget.

    section 7

  139. Margarita Farrera
    Seccion 07
    Ingles III

    I do think those are the worst dictators of history, and i can not understand how the did to convince peolpe that what their were doing was fine. It's importand for people to know about what they did,in order to not repeat the same history with actual dictators.

  140. Andrea Elena Galavís MoraMay 23, 2010 at 8:40 PM

    What do we think when we read or hear the word "DICTATORCHIP"? Often, the first thought is Hitler, right? But, we don't have to go that far in space and time. Nowadays in Venezuela we are living a double side dictatorship led by Hugo Rafael, whom we can easily compare with Josef Stalin: Starting with the propaganda in Russia, where in every house and public spaces you found pictures of Josef, don't we have the same propagada of Hugo all over the country? Then, the speech of Stalin in which the word "PEOPLE" is used to exclude everybody who weren't with the regime, isn't it the same situation here in Venezuela?

    My point is that, we are allowing Hugo Rafael initiate an dictatorial regime, which I call double sided because he arrived into the power legally but, after that, he is making almost whatever he wants with the power that we gave him.

    Andrea Elena Galavís Mora

    Section 7
    English 3
    Teacher: Ma. Carolina Abella

  141. A dictator is a ruler who assumes sole and absolute power (sometimes but not always with military control) but without hereditary ascension such as an absolute monarch. I personally believe that basically any sort of oppressive, even abusive rule, should be determined as a dictatorship, therefore I agree that Joseph Stalin (leader of the Sovier Union who’s campaign purpose was to purge the communist party), Adolf Hitler (Nazi leader who’s hatred towards Jewish faith entailed him to kill over six million jews), and Kim Il (dictator of North Korea who also killed millions of citizens testing a nuclear bomb in his country) have been the worse dictators that have ever existed, simply because they have taken lives with no logical foundation or reason what so ever. In my opinion, taking an economically and socially weak or unstable country and turning it into a huge concentration camp, or indoctrinating young minds into believing that it’s not wrong to take lives, just to fulfill a personal “desire”, is atrocious.
    None the less, other dictators have prevailed themselves ruling for years despite common will, cheating their way through their government and driving countries through misery. In my opinion, Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez are two of the most iconic dictators of the last decades; Not only because they have violated the natural faculty or human right to live (like all other dictators in the past), but because they have also presented themselves as “democrats, promising to resuscitate the country” and ended up becoming tyrants who have reformed constitutions to fit their personal will, violated any sort of international convention, civil law or statute and deceived their countries with hoaxes and perpetuated lies dividing them by social statutes and cultivating hatred amongst citizens.

    Gabriel Santelmo

    Englis 3, Section 3
    Teacher: Ma. Carolina Abella

  142. A dictator is a ruler who assumes sole and absolute power (sometimes but not always with military control) but without hereditary ascension such as an absolute monarch.

    I personally believe that basically any sort of oppressive, even abusive rule, should be determined as a dictatorship, therefore I agree that Joseph Stalin (leader of the Sovier Union who’s campaign purpose was to purge the communist party), Adolf Hitler (Nazi leader who’s hatred towards Jewish faith entailed him to kill over six million jews), and Kim Il (dictator of North Korea who also killed millions of citizens testing a nuclear bomb in his country) have been the worse dictators that have ever existed, simply because they have taken lives with no logical foundation or reason what so ever. In my opinion, taking an economically and socially weak or unstable country and turning it into a huge concentration camp, or indoctrinating young minds into believing that it’s not wrong to take lives, just to fulfill a personal “desire”, is atrocious.

    None the less, other dictators have prevailed themselves ruling for years despite common will, cheating their way through their government and driving countries through misery. In my opinion, Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez are two of the most iconic dictators of the last decades; Not only because they have violated the natural faculty or human right to live (like all other dictators in the past), but because they have also presented themselves as “democrats, promising to resuscitate the country” and ended up becoming tyrants who have reformed constitutions to fit their personal will, violated any sort of international convention, civil law or statute and deceived their countries with hoaxes and perpetuated lies dividing them by social statutes and cultivating hatred amongst citizens.

    Gabriel Santelmo.
    English 3, Section 3.
    Teacher: Ma. Carolina Abella.

  143. These dictators are adored by people who believe they will defend the interests of the nation or have been convinced by the speeches of these characters, but the reality is that these evil dictators were able to kill a large number of Person only to achieve and enforce their political ideals, religious cullturales therefore no doubt be the most evil of the 20th century.
    Most of them only stayed in power for sul false statements, handling of media and a lot of ruthless acts trajeon following the collapse of societies and years of misery.

    Josman Calzadilla
    Secciòn 7

  144. Luis Eduardo Paredes Ortega teacherrr welll i think that those dictators are the worst the world ever had because they try to look good to their people hurting the other nations and the people of their countries because they dont have the right information or a trully look of the reality the suport them and make them bigger

  145. Ricardo Vargas
    English III
    Section 7
    I know many of you would say Hitler, a man who sought to: start a world war, conquer Europe and the USSR. But who can’t be worse than say Stalin who killed twice as many people and massacred every ethnic minority within the USSR. In addition, he sent millions of Russians to concentration camps (gulags). He even killed those within his inner circle and left family members die in German captivity.
